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Study and teaching

General information

The Institute of Veterinary Pathology trains students of veterinary medicine in accordance with the Ordinance on the Licensing of Veterinarians (Federal Law Gazette 1999 Part I No. 50). The courses are assigned to the 3rd to 5th year of study and include lectures and exercises on microscopic (histology) and macroscopic pathology (dissections). Building on the teaching of general disease principles and mechanisms in the courses on general pathology, pathological changes in individual organ systems and metabolic and systemic diseases of domestic animals as well as laboratory, pet, zoo and wild animals are taught as part of the organ-centered teaching of special pathology. In addition, elective courses are offered that provide an in-depth insight into the scientific and diagnostic fields of animal pathology as well as clinically linked courses based on current case studies.

Your contact persons

Student concerns:

Contact by e-mail to lerne-patho@vetmed.fu-berlin.de.
Please exclusively use your ZEDAT e-mail addresses (to protect your data). Thank you!

Please always provide the following data

  • your name
  • matriculation number
  • semester
  • What is it about (please enter Blackboard, attendance, etc. with exact course details)?
  • Which period (current semester, previous semester...) is it about?

Organizational questions:

We are happy to help you on the phone

Maud Jantor
Phone: +49 30 838 62454
Monday to Wednesday, 11:00 - 13:00

FAQ for students

Information on the organization and responsibilities in the Institute of Pathology

Quoting Wikipedia: "The term study (from the Latin studere, 'to strive for or endeavor to achieve something') primarily refers to academic learning and research at universities and other institutions of higher education, as well as academies of equal standing." Striving for something... an active process 😊

Every student is responsible for registering with the campus management system before/at the beginning of the semester. If something does go wrong, please contact the Study Office by email. Please use your ZEDAT email account for this.

The entries on the blackboard are made automatically after registration in Campus Management. If something does not work, we can make additional entries (unlike the entries in Campus Management!). Please write an email. Please use your Zedat email account for this.

In the fifth semester, we offer you courses in the field of general pathology.

In the sixth semester, we offer you the courses for the first part of the special pathology.

In the seventh semester, we offer you the courses for the second part of the special pathology.

In the 8th semester, we offer you the courses for the third part of the special pathology.

Histological pathology or "pathohisto"... You can practically be a pathologist and "experience" specimens of typical changes, in the truest sense of the word. For this, we meet in the lecture hall and unpack the microscopes... this part of the training corresponds to the exercises in general and special pathology in semesters 5 to 8.

Pathology in a practical way, depending on the conditions in the dissection hall "practically on the object" or in the lecture hall / seminar room "completely sterile".

From the 9th semester onwards, we offer you the courses for practical training in pathology as part of the clinical rotation.

Protective clothing including rubber boots and aprons are provided. Please also note the information/instructions in our obligatory hygiene briefing!

In addition to the "major" exams at the end of the 8th semester or rotation, there are also performance assessments / certificates during the semester.

You can participate in all courses until the end of the 8th semester. This does not apply to the clinical rotation, where it may be necessary to take alternative dates. Please register in good time to plan your individual dates!

Please feel free to contact us. Write us an email. Please use your ZEDAT email account for this.

Please write us an e-mail. Please use your Zedat e-mail account for this.