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Room allocation

When planning, please note that the dates fixed here may also change. This applies in particular to the active planning phases (Dec/Jan and June/July). Room reservations for courses are made as part of semester planning. Outside of this planning, these rooms can be booked through the study office.

The rooms listed here are a selection of the rooms frequently used for teaching in Düppel. The room bookings cannot be viewed by external IP addresses. If necessary, please dial into the FU Berlin VPN.

Lecture halls and course rooms of the clinics in Düppel

Rooms in Königsweg 61-69 / Building 21 (Biometrics + Animal Welfare)

Rooms in Königsweg 61-69 / House 23 (old parasitology course room)

Seminar and course rooms at Robert von Ostertagstr. 7-13 (RvO building)

Seminar room in Robert von Ostertagstr. 15 (Pathology)

Seminar and course rooms at Oertzenweg 19b

Rooms in Dahlem, Koserstr. 20 in D

Rooms in the “Veterinarium Progressum” training building