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Events and activities

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The mentoring department and the School of Veterinary Medicine offer seminars and workshops that can be attended as support during the various phases of your studies. Each semester there are different events that address the following questions, for example:

  • How do I prepare effectively for exams?

  • How can I present myself professionally as a prospective veterinarian? How can I improve my communication skills?

  • What opportunities do I have after graduation?

  • How do I apply for a job? What documents do I need for an application?

These events are organized as part of the mentoring program in cooperation with the School of Veterinary Medicine and are funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research as part of the “SUPPORT – Qualitätspakt für die Lehre” project.

The Career Service also offers interdisciplinary events: Career Service events

Current events

  • Career Day 2024
    Towards the end of your studies in particular, there are many questions and challenges that a newly qualified veterinarian faces. The Career Day will take place on 16.02.2024 for the 7th semester and offers a wide range of information and workshops on all aspects of starting a career. This event is organized as part of the mentoring program in cooperation with the Veterinary Skills Net.

    When: 16.02.2024, 10:00 - 16:00
    Where: Düppel campus, equine clinic lecture hall
    Who: Veterinary Medicine students from the 7th semester onwards

    The complete program, all information and links for registration can be found here.

    Many thanks for the workshop offer to our colleagues from the department, TVD and Career Service of the FU Berlin. We would also like to thank the Career Service for coordinating the registration.

Digital services for mentors and tutors:

Contact for further questions and suggestions: cs-qualifizierung@career.fu-berlin.de

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