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Please find all information about our lecture listed in
the course catalog of the FU-Berlin.

Lecture Biostatistics

The lecture biostatistics addresses students of the 2nd semester. Basics of statistics such as descriptive statistics, associations, correlation and regression, chance and probability, confidence intervals as well as simple statistical tests are taught. Additionally, elements of epidemiology like the assessment of diagnostic test results are presented.

Successful participation is certified by passing a written exam.

Magic with Excel

Additionally, students learn in the elective "Magic with MS Excel" how to use MS Excel in a proper way.

Bachelor and Master of Horse Science

Lecture Statistics and Epidemiology

Bachelor students in horse sciences take the lecture Statistics and Epidemiology during their first semester. Basics of statistics such as descriptive statistics, associations, correlation and regression, chance and probability, confidence intervals as well as simple statistical tests are taught. Additionally, elements of epidemiology like the assessment of diagnostic test results are presented.

Successful participation is certified by participation and homework.

For students of master of horse science we also offer a lecture "statistics in epidemiology" which takes place in winter semesters.