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Check out the homemade (worm) cover of Trends Parasitol's current Issue!

Trends in Parasitology - Cover

Trends in Parasitology - Cover
Image Credit: Trends in Parasitology/  Volume 37, ISSUE 3, p179-264, e1-e2, March 01, 2021

News from Mar 02, 2021

The publication of the article "Trilateral relationship: Ascaris, microbiota, and host cells" by our PhD student Ankur Midha et al. (Project B4; associated doctoral researcher) is since March 01, 2021 available in the journal "Trends in Parasitology" Volume 37 Issue 3 p179-264, e1-e2

Complete list of authors: Midha, A.; Ebner, F.; Schlosser-Brandenburg, J.; Rausch, S.; Hartmann, S.

Cover design by Dr. Friederike Ebner

For more information about the artikel please refer to https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pt.2020.09.002

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