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Vivian Schüler

Project C2-1: Epidemiology and virulence of N. ceranae in honey bees and bumblebees

Vivian Schüler
Image Credit: Vivian Schüler

Länderinstitut für Bienenkunde Hohen Neuendorf e.V.

Microbiology and diseases of the bee

Member since August 2016

Research interest
Epidemiology and virulence of N. ceranae in honey bees and bumblebees

Title of PhD project
Nosema ceranae, a deadly emerging parasite of bees

Prof. Dr. Elke Genersch

Schüler V, Liu YC, Gisder S, Horchler L, Groth D, Genersch E. (2023).
Significant, but not biologically relevant: Nosema ceranae infections and winter losses of honey bee colonies.
Commun Biol 6:229. doi: 10.1038/s42003-023-04587-7.

Gisder S, Horchler L, Pieper F, Schüler V, Šima P, Genersch E. (2020)
Rapid Gastrointestinal Passage May Protect Bombus terrestris from Becoming a True Host for Nosema ceranae
Appl Environ Microbiol
86:e00629-20. doi: 10.1128/AEM.00629-20.

Gisder S, Schüler V, Horchler LL, Groth D, Genersch E. (2017)
Long-term temporal trends of Nosema spp. infection prevalence in Northeast Germany: Continuous spread of Nosema ceranae, an emerging pathogen of honey bees (Apis mellifera), but no general replacement of Nosema apis.
Front Cell Infect Microbiol 7:301. doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2017.00301.

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