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Norus Ahmed

Project B4-1: Effect of a previous protozoan infection with Toxoplasma co-infection prevents Th2 differentiation and leads to a helminth-specific Th1 response

Norus Ahmed
Image Credit: Institut für Immunologie

Member since: April 2015

Students representative: November 2015 - September 2016

Research interest
Parasitolgy, co-infection, immunology

Title of PhD project
Th1-immune shift in intestinal helminth protozoan co-infection

Prof. Susanne Hartmann, Dr. Svenja Steinfelder

Ahmed N, Heitlinger E, Affinass N, Heitlinger E, Kühl AA, Xenophontos N, Jarquin VH, Jost J, Steinfelder S, Hartmann S. (2019).
A novel non-invasive method to detect RELM beta transcript in gut barrier related changes during a gastrointestinal nematode infection.
Front Immunol 10:445. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.00445.

French T, Düsedau H P, Steffen J, Biswas A, Ahmed N, Hartmann S, Schüler T, Schott BH, Dunay IR. (2019).
Neuronal impairment following chronic Toxoplasma gondii infection is aggravated by intestinal nematode challenge in an IFN-γ-dependent manner.
J Neuroinflammation 16:159. doi: 10.1186/s12974-019-1539-8.

Ahmed N, French T, Rausch S, Kühl A, Hemminger K, Dunay I, Steinfelder S, Hartmann S. (2017).
Toxoplasma Co-infection Prevents Th2 Differentiation and Leads to a Helminth-Specific Th1 Response.
Front Cell Infect Microbiol 7:341. doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2017.00341.

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