Dr. Alyssa Ingmundson
Project A6: Characterizing host Rab GTPases involved in Plasmodium intracellular development: PhD student Otto Netzel (A6-3).

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Department of Biology
Molecular Parasitology
Research interest:
- Plasmodium-Host Interaction
Fraser M, Curtis B, Phillips P, Yates PA, Lam KS, Netzel O, van Dooren GG, Ingmundson A, Matuschewski K, McLeod MD, Maier AG. (2024).
Harnessing cholesterol uptake of malaria parasites for therapeutic applications.
EMBO Mol Med 16:1515-1532. doi: 10.1038/s44321-024-00087-1.
Kreutzfeld O, Grützke J, Ingmundson A, Müller K, Matuschewski K. (2021).
Absence of PEXEL-Dependent Protein Export in Plasmodium Liver Stages Cannot Be Restored by Gain of the HSP101 Protein Translocon ATPase.
Front Genet 12:742153. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2021.742153.
Hon C, Friesen J, Ingmundson A, Scheppan D, Hafalla JCR, Müller K, Matuschewski K. (2021).
Conservation of S20 as an Ineffective and Disposable IFNγ-Inducing Determinant of Plasmodium Sporozoites Indicates Diversion of Cellular Immunity.
Front Microbiol 12:703804. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.703804.