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VISAPP 2023 - Best Poster Award Winner

News vom 26.09.2022

19.-21.02.2022 Lissabon

Publikation "Upper Bound Tracker: A Multi-Animal Tracking Solution for Closed Laboratory Settings" von Alexander Dolokov, Niek Andresen, Katharina Hohlbaum, Christa Thöne-Reineke, Lars Lewejohann und Olaf Hellwich wurde bei der

18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP/VISIGRAPP)

mit "VISAPP 2023 Best Poster Award" ausgezeichnet!


19-21.02.2022 Lisbon

Publication "Upper Bound Tracker: A Multi-Animal Tracking Solution for Closed Laboratory Settings" by Alexander Dolokov, Niek Andresen, Katharina Hohlbaum, Christa Thöne-Reineke, Lars Lewejohann and Olaf Hellwich, presented at the
18th International Conference on Theory and Applications of Computer Vision (VISAPP/VISIGRAPP)
was awarded with the "VISAPP 2023 Best Poster Award"!

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