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EUSAAT Kongress 2022: Verleihung “Young Scientists Travel Award (YSTA)” und einen der “Best Oral Talk Awards” an Angelique Wolter

News vom 26.09.2022

September 2022

EUSAAT Kongress 2022 – Angelique Wolter erhält “Young Scientists Travel Award (YSTA)” und einen der “Best Oral Talk Awards” für die Vorstellung Ihres Dissertationsprojektes “Evaluation of a new microparticulate depot formulation of buprenorphine for sustained post-surgical analgesia”.

EUSAAT Congress 2022 – Angelique Wolter receives a “Young Scientists Travel Award (YSTA)” and one of the “Best Oral Talk Awards” for the presentation of her doctoral thesis project “Evaluation of a new microparticulate depot formulation of buprenorphine for sustained post-surgical analgesia”.

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