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Contact persons

If you have any suggestions or concerns, please get in touch with the following contact persons:

Contact person at

Contact person Contact person at Consultation hours

Contact person for diversity

  • Suggestions, thematic proposals or questions on the topic of diversity
  • Facilitation of contacts

Appointments by arrangement

Decentralized women's representative

  • Advice in cases of conflict (e.g. sexual harassment or discrimination) and on funding opportunities at the department

8:00 am - 3:00 pm; further appointments
by arrangement

Hygiene Coordinator

  • Questions on the topic of animal and environmental hygiene and biosecurity

Appointments by arrangement

Dean of Teaching

  • Suggestions, thematic proposals or questions on educational matters

Appointments by arrangement

Examination Board BSc Equine Science (Chairperson)

  • Study planning
  • Examination counseling

Appointments by arrangement

Examination Board for State Examinations in Veterinary Medicine (Chairperson)

Chair of the Preclinical Examination Board
  • Recognition of academic achievements / admission
  • Study planning
  • Creation of special study plans
    (in case of pregnancy or illness)
  • Examination counseling

Chair of the Clinic Examination Board

  • Study planning
  • Creation of special study plans (in case of pregnancy or illness)
  • Examination counseling
  • Advice on the organization of internships (especially abroad)

Chair of the examination board
for the veterinary preliminary examination (pre-clinical section):

15:00 - 17:00;
outside the lecture period by appointment only

Chair of the examination board for the veterinary examination (clinical section):

Appointments by appointment

Advisor for Studies and Teaching

  • Suggestions, thematic proposals or questions about quality assurance at the School of Veterinary Medicine

Appointments by arrangement

Semester speakers:

VetMed FSI
Student common rooms "Hochsitz"
Haus 9 (Campus Düppel)
Oertzenweg 19b
14163 Berlin

Mail: vetmedfsi@gmail.com
Web: vetmedfsi-berlin.org

  • Questions about your studies,
  • Problems that affect your studies,
  • Information on various events

Appointments by arrangement

Advisory service by students

  • Suggestions, thematic proposals, questions or problems concerning your studies

Appointments by arrangement

Study subject advice

  • Study counseling (e.g. for semesters on leave, part-time studies, changing degree programs and questions about the course of studies)
  • Problems with registering for courses via Campus Management
  • Certificates on the course of study that you cannot print out via Campus Management (transcript of records, course of study, etc.)
  • to find the right contact person for specific concerns

Appointments by arrangement

Student Representation Veterinary Medical Student Initiative Berlin (VetMed-FSI)

  • Questions about studying,
  • Problems that affect your studies,
  • Information on various events

Every 1st Thursday of the month from
12:30 - 13:00
in the Mensa in the Herrenhaus
(Düppel campus)

"Kummerkasten": Outside of office hours, you can use the complaint box at the entrance of the "Hochsitz" house 9 (Düppel campus) or write an e-mail.

Animal Welfare Officer

  • Questions on the topic of animal welfare

Appointments by arrangement

Confidential lecturer for students

  • Problems concerning your studies
  • Problems with lecturers,
  • Problems of a personal nature

Appointments by arrangement