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Education Commission

Pursuant to section 14 of the Partial Basic Ordinances of Freie Universität Berlin (Teilgrundordnung) and/or section 73 of the Higher Education Act for the State of Berlin (BerlHG), the Education Commission (Ausbildungskommission, ABK) is a body of the faculty that is tasked by the Faculty Council with supporting and advising the council on matters relating to education. With the participation of students and lecturers, the Education Commission regularly deals with the conceptual design and further development of study programs and makes recommendations to the Faculty Council with an eye to improving study conditions in individual programs, alignment toward current vocational profiles, rules and regulations, and other factors within the scope of development and further development of academic programs.

The Education Commission of the School of Veterinary Medicine is composed of the Vice Dean for Study Affairs and three additional professors, two research associates or assistants, and eight students. At least one student on the commission is supposed to represent the degree program in Equine Science. The members by co-optation are the head of the Study Office and the Advisor for University Studies and Teaching.