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Interview with teaching award winner Simon Leuchtner

Simon Leuchtner: veterinarian, research associate and doctoral candidate in the Department of Reproductive Medicine at the Small Animal Clinic

Simon Leuchtner: veterinarian, research associate and doctoral candidate in the Department of Reproductive Medicine at the Small Animal Clinic

From left to right: Leon Heinrich, chairman of the student council; Prof. Jörg Aschenbach, vice-dean for teaching; Simon Leuchtner, 2025 teaching award winner

From left to right: Leon Heinrich, chairman of the student council; Prof. Jörg Aschenbach, vice-dean for teaching; Simon Leuchtner, 2025 teaching award winner
Image Credit: Friederike Grasse, 2025

“Finally, it is important to me to emphasize that the teaching as a whole is only partly my own work. To a large extent, it is very good teamwork that I do together with my colleagues.”

“Finally, it is important to me to emphasize that the teaching as a whole is only partly my own work. To a large extent, it is very good teamwork that I do together with my colleagues.”

“In my free time, I enjoy spending time outside with my dog.”

“In my free time, I enjoy spending time outside with my dog.”

News from Mar 19, 2025

For which event are you receiving the teaching award?

For lectures in the field of small animal reproduction medicine. I cover topics related to gynecology, including gynecological disorders and diseases, as well as pregnancy (pregnancy examinations, pregnancy disorders) and neonatology.

Which modules/subjects/events do you teach in addition to this (if applicable)?

Primarily, small animal reproduction in various formats: lectures, smaller courses or elective courses, as well as clinical teaching, as close to the animal as possible, for example in rotations or propaedeutics. Ultimately, it is mostly the same topics in different settings and with a different focus.

How long have you been at the department? How long have you been teaching?

I myself studied here in the department from 2016 to 2022. During my time as a student, I worked as a student assistant in the small and pet animal clinic from the 5th semester onwards. Since graduating, I have been working on my doctorate in small animal reproduction. The doctorate is combined with a teaching role. I gave my first longer lecture in spring 2023. Here, too, I first had to learn how to be a good teacher, especially since this is handled differently in every clinic and at every position. I received very good training from my colleagues and was able to take on some tasks relatively quickly. I also enjoyed working with the students and taking the next step: not only acquiring knowledge but also passing it on.

“I wasn't just sitting in front of a bunch of unfamiliar faces”

It was quite exciting to switch roles so quickly from being a student to being a teacher – especially considering that I wasn't just sitting in front of a bunch of unfamiliar faces, but that I knew many of the students and was friends with some of them. However, I also saw my role somewhat differently, since I am not a professor who later also takes exams, but rather a doctoral student myself. And it is also an advantage that I am not so far removed from my studies and therefore perhaps understand a little better what it is like to sit there and receive the teaching that you yourself liked or would have liked.

What do you do when you are not teaching?

In my free time, I spend a lot of time outside with my dog, which I really enjoy. My dog is also a work colleague, so to speak, because we go hunting together. A lot of time has gone into his training over the last few years. He is not only a good companion when hunting, but also when it comes to outdoor sporting activities. I do triathlons in my free time. He is always very happy to be by my side when swimming in the lake and running. He still needs to practice riding my bike a bit.☺

“He probably has the best-controlled prostate in all of Berlin and Brandenburg.”

Otherwise, my dog is a good office companion and also a very good supporter of my teaching: he is regularly examined by students, especially when it comes to andrological examinations, he is a model. He probably has the best-controlled prostate in all of Berlin and Brandenburg.

What do you think you do particularly well in your classes – in other words, what is it that goes down particularly well with the students?

What is of course a great advantage in clinical sections in general is the practical interest in the work of a veterinarian and an interest in animals. So you always have a big advantage when you work with illustrative objects. If the object is still alive, actually shows this disease pattern and thus fits thematically into the event, then that is of course a great advantage.

The students really liked the fact that we did the pregnancy examination in the lecture hall during the two lectures. We had a pregnant female dog on site and were able to connect the ultrasound device to the projector. This allowed us to do the ultrasound on a large screen, so to speak, and show what a pregnant female dog looks like from the inside, allowing us to explain the pregnancy examination very vividly.

Another event was about neonatology, newborn medicine. Patient owners were kind enough to bring their eight-week-old puppies to our lecture. This was of course very well received, the students' hearts beat faster and you could see in their faces that the oxytocin level immediately rose to a new level.

“This is exactly the puppy effect, it works well.”

In my experience, when animals take part in the event, the students are better able to focus and concentrate on what is happening in front of them. During my time as a student, I always appreciated seeing something applied directly or even being able to apply it myself. Furthermore, it is important to me not only to explain and package everything correctly, but also to appear at eye level. Not to describe everything in technical terms, but to find the right balance for the terms. I believe that this is a good way to make a good apprenticeship and in the end everyone is happy or at least satisfied.

What motivates you in terms of teaching?

I really enjoy delving into these topics: reading up on them, going back to certain sections that I'm not yet clear on, and finding recent studies and current examples. I also like to think about how I can present the content in a clear and understandable way so that everyone feels included, the 1.5 hours are used as effectively as possible, and everyone leaves the lecture with more knowledge. The best reward for me is to have a high attendance rate, to look into interested faces and to get questions because I have managed to spark interest.

The greatest reward: high attendance, interested faces and questions

A lecture cannot cover a topic completely and in every detail. Rather, it draws attention to a topic, conveys the most important things and thus arouses the students' interest in grasping it independently. The techniques of how to work through certain topics are also important to teach. That's fun.

What would you like to pass on to your students that goes beyond the content of the course?

Using the example of the castration of small animals, we discuss in a lecture how to evaluate studies and assess the study situation, and what to think of which studies. In doing so, we examine various studies that also come to very different, sometimes contradictory, conclusions. We compare these and look at how this can happen. This is to be extended to all studies and areas. A classification of scientific work is important. A certain reflection of such work is expected of veterinarians. I think that's an important point.

Why is your (lecture) topic your topic? What fascinates you about it/is of particular interest to you?

Anyone who has ever seen a puppy can certainly imagine the fascination. For me, it's not just that it's a cute little dog, but also that the medicine for neonates and young dogs is definitely different from the medicine for adult animals. It is a special patient and they are also special cases. That fascinates me.

Do you still remember your first lecture/event? How did it feel to be “on the other side” for the first time? Did everything go according to plan?

The first lecture was a small event, 45 minutes, and my colleagues had been very supportive. It was on the subject of castration. Although I had put together a good presentation, I was still very nervous – which was also evident from my voice and the fact that I couldn't really hold the pointer still. But otherwise everything went according to plan and afterwards I was quite happy and thought: “Oh yes, gladly again”.

Do you have fond memories of your own time as a student? What about?

Yes, I had a very nice time here as a student. Here in Berlin, it's a bit of a shame that everyone lives so far apart compared to other cities. But I have to say that when I was a student, the parties on campus were really very productive – which could perhaps be a reason why they're no longer allowed to last so long today. I have very fond memories of it, made many friends and acquaintances, and am very grateful that I ended up here in Berlin. Actually, I wanted to go back to the area around Karlsruhe after graduating, but that's not on the cards for now. I'm very happy here.

What qualities did you value and like in your professors/teachers as a student? Do you sometimes think about that when you're teaching?

Yes, it was actually the case that I really enjoyed going to my current doctoral supervisor's lectures. He has a very vivid and understandable way of telling a story, I just liked listening to him. I also take that as an example: his calm, modest manner of teaching at eye level.

Finally, it is important to me to emphasize that the teaching is only partly my own work. To a large extent, it is the result of excellent teamwork with my colleagues. We work closely together, support each other and all enjoy teaching. So at this point, I would like to express my sincere thanks to Lisa, Johanna, Luisa, Elli and everyone else who has contributed to this teaching award.


Friederike Grasse conducted the interview.

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