(Equine) science meets practice
The four organizers of the event
Image Credit: Friederike Grasse
Hannah Petersen presents her bachelor thesis
Image Credit: Friederike Grasse
Among others, Prof. Jürgen Zentek, Prof. Robert Klopfleisch and Jörg Kotenbeutel participated in the event with lectures
Image Credit: Friederike Grasse
On Saturday, October 14, 2023, equine science students hosted a public lecture conference in the School of Veterinary Medicine's Equine Clinic Lecture Hall.
News from Oct 17, 2023
To kick off the event, project lead Maya Hammermeister interviewed study coordinator Jörg Kotenbeutel about the development, content and career prospects of graduates of the bachelor's degree program. Under the title “Science meets practice”, professors and graduates highlighted current issues around the topic of horse husbandry in entertaining lectures and answered questions from the audience. In addition to Prof. Dr. Robert Klopfleisch and Dr. Lars Mundhenk from the Institute of Animal Pathology, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Zentek (Animal Nutrition) and Prof. Dr. Georg von Samson-Himmelstjerna (Parasitology) also gave presentations. Graduates Hannah Petersen and Lilian Manazon presented the results of their bachelor theses, which dealt with a CBD study and the perception of horses.
Maya Hammermeister, Imke Grabler, Henriette Köhler and Anna-Lena Pavicic organized this event in the 4th semester of equine science as part of the project management module. The Gesellschaft der Freunde und Förderer der Veterinärmedizin an der Freie Universität Berlin e.V. supported them in this endeavor.