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Veterinary Diversity in Berlin

Cover of the Winter 2022/2023 issue

Cover of the Winter 2022/2023 issue

An article written by Stefanie Hardick in the magazine "wir" -
the magazine for the alumni of the Freie Universität Berlin

Winter 2022/2023 issue

News from Jun 05, 2023

Stefanie Hardick:

"The veterinarians at Freie Universität do research on zoonoses and our food safety, they analyze resistant pathogens and study worm diseases in the global South, they develop methods to reduce animal testing, and they train the veterinarians of tomorrow. Together, they have one mission: to improve human, animal and environmental health."

To read the article, click here. (in german only)

For the full issue of the magazine, click here. (in german only)

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