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Reaktionen der Freien Universität auf den Angriff Russlands auf die Ukraine

News from Mar 08, 2022

Reaktionen der Freien Universität auf den Angriff Russlands auf die UkrainReactions by Freie Universität to Russia's Attack on Ukraine

Freie Universität Berlin strongly condemns Russia's attack on Ukraine. We are concerned for all residents of Ukraine and especially for the researchers and students affected by the war. Our special solidarity goes out to them.
In response to the Russian attack on Ukraine, Freie Universität Berlin is suspending its relations with academic institutions in Russia for the time being. As the university decided on Friday, February 25, 2022, all partnership activities with scientific institutions in Russia will be suspended for the time being.
This also includes student exchanges and the Strategic Partnership with the University of St. Petersburg. The liaison office of Freie Universität in Moscow will be closed for the time being.

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