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Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Susanne Hartmann

Susanne Hartmann
Image Credit: Susanne Hartmann

Department of Veterinary Medicine

Institute of Immunology

Professor, Director of Institute

Robert-von-Ostertag-Str. 7
Room 265
14163 Berlin
+49 30 838 - 451 824

Office hours

each Friday 10:30 - 11:30 Uhr

Please make prior an appointment.

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Susanne Hartmann

since 10/2015
Professor (W3) for Infection Immunology and Head of the Institute for Immunology at Freie Universität Berlin, Department of Veterinary Medicine, Centre for Infection Medicine.
DFG Heisenberg Professorship (W3) for Infection Immunology at Freie Universität Berlin, Department of Veterinary Medicine, Centre for Infection Medicine.
2005 - 2011
Assistant Professor and University Teaching Authorization (venia legendi) at the Institute of Molecular Parasitology at the Humboldt-University Berlin.
Habilitation at the Faculty of Mathematics and Science at theHumboldt-University Berlin.
1996 – 2004
Group Leader at the Institute of Molecular Parasitology at the Humboldt-University Berlin.
Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institute of Parasitology at the University of Stuttgart-Hohenheim.
Guest Scientist at the Molecular Parasitology of the medical faculty of the Free University Brussels, Belgium (Prof. Dr. B. Vray).
1990 – 1994
Doctoral thesis at the Institute for Parasitology of the University Stuttgart-Hohenheim (Prof. Dr. R. Lucius).
Academic Education:
1990                              Diploma in Biology
Diploma thesis performed at the University of Oxford (GB) with Prof. Dr. A. Keymer (University Oxford) and Prof. P. Wenk (University of Tübingen).
1986 - 1990                  Graduate studies: Eberhard-Karls-University Tübingen
1987 - 1988                  Studies abroad: University of Oxford (GB)
1984 - 1986                  Undergraduate studies: University of Bremen

Member of the National Academy of Sciences "Leopoldina", since 2018
Innovation Award Foundation Familie Klee
, 2018
Central Teaching Award of Freie Universität Berlin
, 2018
DFG Heisenberg Professorship "Infection Immunology", 12/2011 – 12/2016
PhD scholarship of the graduate program Baden-Württemberg, 1992 - 1994.
Scholarship of the Boehringer-Ingelheim Foundation for a research stay at the University of Brussels, 1993.
Scholarship of the German Academic Exchange Service for studies abroad, 1988.

Susanne Hartmann: Publications

(last update: 12.02.2025)


Adjah, J.; Kapse, B.; Zhang, H.; Hartmann, S.; Rausch, S.; 2025. Differential resistance to nematode infection is associated with the genotype- and age-dependent pace of intestinal T cell homing. Sci. Rep 15, 4424. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-76204-4

Musimbi, Z. D.; Kundik, A.; Krücken, J.; Hauser, A. E.; Rausch, S.; Seeberger, P. H.; Niesner, R.; Leben, R.; Hartmann, S.; 2025.Two-photon NAD(P)H-FLIM reveals unperturbed energy metabolism of Ascaris suum larvae, in contrast to host macrophages upon artemisinin derivatives exposure. Sci. Rep. 15, 2056.



Leben, R.; Rausch, S.; Elomaa, L.; Hauser, A. E.; Weinhart, M.; Fischer, S. C.; Stark, H.; Hartmann, S.; Niesner, R.; 2024. Aggregation of adult parasitic nematodes in sex-mixed groups analysed by transient anomalous diffusion formalism. IJ. R. Soc. Interface 2120240327. http://doi.org/10.1098/rsif.2024.0327

Midha, A.; Oser, L.; Schlosser-Brandenburg, J.; Laubschat, A.; Mugo, R. M.; Musimbi, Z. D.; Höfler, P.; Kundik, A.; Hayani, R.; Adjah, J.; Groenhagen, S.; Tieke, M.; Elizalde-Velázquez, L. E.; Kühl, A. A.; Klopfleisch, R.; Tedin, K.; Rausch, S.; Hartmann, S.; 2024. Concurrent Ascaris infection modulates host immunity resulting in impaired control of Salmonella infection in pigs.
mSphere 0:e00478-24. https://doi.org/10.1128/msphere.00478-24

Elizalde-Velázquez, L. E.; Schlosser-Brandenburg, J.; Laubschat, A.; Oser, L.; Kundik, A.; Adjah, J.; Groenhagen, S.; Kühl, A. A.; Rausch, S.; Hartmann, S.; 2024. Th2-biased immune responses to body migrating Ascaris larvae in primary infection are associated with pathology but not protection. Sci Rep; 14, S. 14919. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-65281-0

Mugo, R. M.; Oser, L.; Midha, A.; Adjah, J.; Kundik, A.; Laubschat, A.; Höfler, P.; Musimbi, Z. D.; Hayani, R.; Schlosser-Brandenburg, J.; Hartmann, S.; Rausch, S.; 2024. Acute Ascaris infection impairs the effector functions of natural killer cells in single and Salmonella co-infected pigs. Sci Rep; 14(1), S. 14586. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-64497-4

Mugo, R. M.; Rausch, S.; Kidiavai, Z. D. M.; Strube, C.; Raulf, M.-K.; Landt, O.; Gichuki, P. M.; Ebner, F.; Mwacharo, J.; Odiere, M. R.; Ndungu, F. M.; Njomo, D. W.; Hartmann, S.; 2024. Evaluation of copromicroscopy, multiplex-qPCR and antibody serology for monitoring of human ascariasis in endemic settings. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 18(6): e0012279. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pntd.0012279

Oser, L.; Midha, A.; Schlosser-Brandenburg, J.; Rausch, S.; Mugo, R. M.; Kundik, A.; Elizalde-Velázquez, L. E.; Adjah, J.; Musimbi, Z. D.; Klopfleisch, R.; Helm, C. S.; von Samson-Himmelstjerna, G.; Hartmann, S.; Ebner, F.; 2024, Ascaris suum infection in juvenile pigs elicits a local Th2 response in a setting of ongoing Th1 expansion. Front. Immunol. 15; S.*
DOI:  10.3389/fimmu.2024.1396446/full

Wolstenholme, A. J.; Andersen, E. C.; Choudhary, S.; Ebner, F.; Hartmann, S.; Holden-Dye, L.; Kashyap, S. S.; Krücken, J.; Martin, R. J.; Midha, A.; Nejsum, P.; Neveu, C.; Robertson, A. P.; von Samson-Himmelstjerna, G.; Walker, R.; Wang, J.; Whitehead, B. J.; Williams, P. D. E.; 2024, Getting around the roundworms: Identifying knowledge gaps and research priorities for the ascarids. Adv Parasitol; 123; S. 51–123, DOI: 10.1016/bs.apar.2023.12.002


Liublin, W.; Rausch, S.; Leben, R.; Liebeskind, J.; Hauser. A.E.; Hartmann, S.; Niesner, R.A.; 2023
NAD(P)H Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging for the Metabolic Analysis of the Murine Intestine and Parasites During Nematode Infection. J Vis Exp Sep 1;(199). DOI: 10.3791/64982

Kundik, A.; Musimbi, Z. D.; Krücken, J.; Hildebrandt, T.; Kornilov, O.; Hartmann, S.; Ebner, F.; 2023
Quantifying metabolic activity of Ascaris suum L3 using resazurin reduction. Parasit Vectors; 16:243,
DOI: 10.1186/s13071-023-05871-5

Schlosser-Brandenburg, J.; Midha, A.; Mugo, R. M.; Ndombi, E. M.; Gachara, G.; Njomo, D.; Rausch, S.; Hartmann, S.; 2023. Infection with soil-transmitted helminths and their impact on coinfections. Frontiers in parasitology; 2, S. Artikel 1197956, DOI: 10.3389/fpara.2023.1197956

Elizalde‐Velázquez, L. E.; Yordanova, I. A.; Liublin, W.; Adjah, J.; Leben, R.; Rausch, S.; Niesner, R.; Hartmann, S.; 2023. Th2 and metabolic responses to nematodes are independent of prolonged host microbiota abrogation. Parasite Immunology; 45(4 : Special Issue: Parasites and the Microbiota), S. Artikel e12957, DOI: 10.1111/pim.12957

Yordanova, I. A.; Elizalde‐Velázquez, L. E.; Hartmann, S; 2023. Immunization with excretory‐secretory molecules of intestinal nematodes induces antigen‐specific protective memory Th2 cell responses. Eur. J. Immunol., Accepted Author Manuscript 2250237, DOI: 10.1002/eji.202250237

Grzeskowiak, L,...Hartmann, S, … Zentek, J; 2023 Dietary fibre and its role in performance, welfare and health of pigs. Anim. Health Res. Rev., S-1-29, DOI: 10.1017/S1466252322000081



Midha, A; Jarquín-Díaz, VH; Ebner, F; Löber, U; Hayani, V; Kundik, A; Cardilli, A; Heitlinger, E; Forslund, S.K; Hartmann, S; 2022. Guts within guts: The microbiome of the intestinal helminth parasite Ascaris suum is derived but distinct from its host.Microbiome 10 (1), DOI: 10.1186/s40168-022-01399-5

Elizalde-Velázquez, LE; Yordanova, IA; Liublin, W; Adjah, J; Leben, R; Rausch, S; Niesner, R; Hartmann, S; 2022. Th2 and metabolic responses to nematodes are independent of prolonged host microbiota abrogation Parasite Immunol Nov 17;e12957 DOI: 10.1111/pim.12957

Hamid, B; Ebner, F; Bechtold, L; Kundik, A; Rausch, S; Hartmann, S; 2022. Ascaris suum excretory/secretory products differentially modulate porcine dendritic cell subsets. Front. Immunol.; 13, S.1012717, DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.1012717

Yordanova, IA; Jürchott, K; Steinfelder, S; Vogt, K; Krüger, U; Kühl, AA; Sawitzki, B; Hartmann, S; 2022. The host peritoneal cavity harbors prominent memory Th2 and early recall responses to an intestinal nematode. Front. Immunol. 13, DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.842870

Liublin, W; Rausch, S; Leben, R; Lindquist, RL; Fiedler, A; Liebeskind, J; Beckers, IE; Hauser, AE; Hartmann, S; Niesner. R.A; 2022. NAD(P)H fluorescence lifetime imaging of live intestinal nematodes reveals metabolic crosstalk between parasite and host Sci Rep 12. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-10705-y

Zhang, HW; Bednář, L; Heitlinger, E; Hartmann S; Rausch, S; 2022. Whip- and pinworm infections elicit contrasting effector and distinct regulatory responses in wild house mice. Int J Parasitol 52 (8): 519-524, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpara.2022.03.006

Kapse, B; Zhang, HW; Affinass, N; Ebner, F; Hartmann, S; Rausch, S; 2022 Age-dependent rise in IFN-γ competence undermines effective type 2 responses to nematode infection, Mucosal Immunol, DOI: 10.1038/s41385-022-00519-6

Kaplonek, P; Yao, L; Reppe, K; Voß, F; Kohler, T; Ebner, F; Schäfer, A; Blohm, U; Priegue, P; Bräutigam, M; Pereira, C.L; Parameswarappa, S.G; Emmadi, M; Ménová, P; Witzenrath, M; Hammerschmidt, S; Hartmann, S; Sander, L.E; Seeberger, P.H: 2022. A semisynthetic glycoconjugate provides expanded cross-serotype protection against Streptococcus pneumoniae, Vaccine; 40(7), S. 1038–1046, DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2021.12.068


International Congress of Parasitology and World Federation of Parasitologists, 21-26. August 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark. Susanne Hartmann: „Microbiome-associated Ascaris-host interactions.”

 Scientific Symposium: Anti-Infective Resistance in animal pathogens: causes, significance and approaches to solutions. Berlin, 19-20 September 2022, Berlin. Susanne Hartmann: „Regulation of gut microbes by intestinal worms and benefit from microbiota-driven immune modulation.”

 Leopoldina Annual Conference 2022. Global Health: From Health Services to Climate Change and to Social Justice. 23-24. September 2022. Susanne Hartmann: “Parasites: Drivers and Brakemen of the Global-Disease-Burden. “

 Scientific Seminar: Helminths and Helminth Co-Infections. 31st October 2022. Kenyatta University Nairobi, Kenya. Susanne Hartmann: “Parasitic Helminths: Immunoregulation and Microbial Interactions”.

 Scientific Seminar: Helminths Infections and Social Science Aspects. 1st November 2022. KEMRI-Eastern and Southern Africa Centre of International Parasite Control (ESACIPAC), Nairobi, Kenya. Susanne Hartmann: “Parasitic Helminths and Immunoregulation”.

Scientific Seminar: Helminth Infection. 2nd November 2022. KEMRI-Center for Global Health Research (CGHR), Kisumu, Kenya. Susanne Hartmann: “Immunoregulation and microbial interaction of parasitic nematodes”.



Ebner, F.; Lindner, K.; Janek, K.; Niewienda, A.; Malecki, P. H.; Weiß, M. S.; Sutherland, T. E.; Heuser, A.; Kühl, A. A.; Zentek, J.; Hofmann, A.; Hartmann, S. (2021)
A Helminth-Derived Chitinase Structurally Similar to Mammalian Chitinase Displays Immunomodulatory Properties in Inflammatory Lung Disease
Journal of Immunology Research 2021, 24 pages, epub

Hamid, B.; Schlosser-Brandenburg, J.; Bechtold, L.; Ebner, F.; Rausch, S.; Hartmann, S. (2021)
Early immune initiation by porcine cells following Toxoplasma gondii infection versus TLR ligation.
Microorganisms 2021; 9(9):1828

Schlosser-Brandenburg, J.; Ebner, F.; Klopfleisch, R.; Kühl, A. A.; Zentek, J.; Pieper, R.; Hartmann, S. (2021)
Influence of nutrition and maternal bonding on postnatal lung development in the newborn pig.
Front. Immunol. 2021, 12:3144
doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.734153

Midha, A., Goyette-Desjardins, G., Gordeler, F., Mocovitz, O., Seeberger, P. H., Tedin, K., Bertzbach, L. D., Lepenies, B., Hartmann, S. (2021)
Lectin-mediated bacterial modulation by the intestinal nematode Ascaris suum.
Int. J. Mol. Sci  2021, 22(16):8739
doi: 10.3390/ijms22168739

Midha, A.; Ebner, F.; Schlosser-Brandenburg, J.; Rausch, S.; Hartmann, S. (2021)
Trilateral relationship: ascaris, microbiota, and host cells.
Trends Parasitol. 2021, 37(3):251–262
doi: 10.1016/j.pt.2020.09.002

Yordanova, I.A.; Ebner, F.; Schulz, A.R.; Steinfelder, S.; Rosche, B.; Bolze, A.; Paul, F.; Mei, H.E.; Hartmann, S.(2021)
The Worm-Specific Immune Response in Multiple Sclerosis Patients Receiving Controlled Trichuris suis Ova Immunotherapy. Life 2021, 11(2):101
doi: 10.3390/life11020101


Keynote lecture: S. Hartmann. Parasitic Nematodes: Immunoregulation and Microbial Interaction. 29th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Parasitology, 15.-17. March Bonn, 2021

Invited speaker. S. Hartmann. Immunoregulation by Parasitic Nematodes. KEMRI Seminar Series, Kilifi Kenia. 5th July 2021

Invited speaker: S. Hartmann. Intestinal nematodes release antimicrobial and benefit from microbiota-driven immune regulation. European Multicolloquium for Parasitology (EMOP) 12.-16. October 2021, Belgrade

Invited speaker: S. Hartmann. Ascaris – immune response – microbiota triangle. Le Studium Conference. New approaches to get around roundworms. The Ascarid Research and Training Initiative (ARTI) 29.11.-1.12.2021


Midha, A.; Ebner, F.; Schlosser-Brandenburg, J.; Rausch, S.; Hartmann, S. (2020)
Trilateral relationship: Ascaris, microbiota, and host cells.
Trends in parasitology, S. 2049
doi: 10.1016/j.pt.2020.09.002

Yordanova, I. A.; Lamatsch, M.; Kühl, A. A.; Hartmann, S.; Rausch, S. (2020)
Eosinophils are dispensable for the regulation of IgA and Th17 responses in Giardia muris infection.
Parasite Immunol, S. e12791
doi: 10.1111/pim.12791

Schmidt, St.; Ebner, F.; Rosen, K.; Kniemeyer, O.; Brakhage, A. A.; Löffler, J.; Seif, M.; Springer, J.; Schlosser, J.; Scharek-Tedin, L.; Scheffold, A.; Bacher, P.; Kühl, A.A.; Rösler, U.; Hartmann, S. (2020)
The domestic pig as human‐relevant large animal model to study adaptive anti‐fungal immune responses against
airborne Aspergillus fumigatus
Eur. J. Immunol.; xx:1
doi: 10.1002/eji.201948524

Rosen, K.; Ebner, F.; Schmidt, S.; Hartmann, S.; Merle, R.; Friese, A.; Roesler, U. (2020)
Influence of Immune Status on the Airborne Colonization of Piglets with Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Clonal Complex (CC) 398
Eur J Microbiol Immunol;10:1
doi: 10.1556/1886.2019.00024

Ebner, F.; Morrison, E.; Bertazzon, M.; Midha, A.; Hartmann, S.; Freund, C.; Álvaro-Benito, M. (2020)
CD4+ Th immunogenicity of the Ascaris spp. secreted products.
npj Vaccines; 5:25
doi: 10.1038/s41541-020-0171-z



Yordanova I.A.; Cortés A.; Klotz C., Kühl A.A.; Heimesaat M.M.; Cantacessi C.; Hartmann S.; Rausch S. (2019)
RORγt+ Treg to Th17 ratios correlate with susceptibility to Giardia infection.
Sci Rep 9(1), 20328
doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-56416-9

Cossarizza, A.; ... Hartmann S.; ... Zychlinsky, A. (2019)
Guidelines for the use of flow cytometry and cell sorting in immunological studies (second edition).
Eur. J. Immunol. 49:1457–1973
doi: 10.1002/eji.201970107

Ahmed N, Nicole Affinass, Emanuel Heitlinger, Anja A. Kühl, Natasa Xenophontos, Victor H. Jarquin, Jenny Jost, Svenja Steinfelder, Susanne Hartmann (2019)
A novel non-invasive method to detect RELM beta transcript in gut barrier related changes during a gastrointestinal nematode infection.
Front. Immunol. 10:445
doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.00445

Delgado Betancourt, E.; Hamid, B.; Fabian, B. T.; Klotz, C.; Hartmann, S.; Seeber, F. (2019)
From Entry to Early Dissemination-Toxoplasma gondii's Initial Encounter With Its Host.
Front Cell Infect Microbiol.; 9:46.
doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2019.000469

French, T.; Düsedau, H. P.; Steffen, J.; Biswas, A.; Ahmed, N.; Hartmann, S.; Schüler, T.; Schott, B. H.; Dunay, I. R. (2019):
Neuronal impairment following chronic Toxoplasma gondii infection is aggravated by intestinal nematode challenge in an IFN-γ-dependent manner.
J. Neuroinflammation; 16(1), p. 159
doi: 10.1186/s12974-019-1539-8

Venugopal, G.; O'Regan, N. L.; Babu, S.; Schumann, R. R.; Srikantam, A.; Merle, R.; Hartmann, S.; Steinfelder, S. (2019):
Association of a PD-L2 Gene Polymorphism with Chronic Lymphatic Filariasis in a South Indian Cohort.
Am J Trop Med Hyg. 100(2):344–350
doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.18-0731


Rausch, S.; Midha, A.; Kuhring, M.; Affinass, N.; Radonic, A.; Kühl, A. A.; Bleich, A.; Hartmann, S. (2018):
Parasitic nematodes exert antimicrobial activity and benefit from microbiota-driven support for host immune regulation.Frontiers in immunology, www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2018.02282/

Yordanova, I.; Zakovic, S.; Rausch, S.; Costa, G.; Levashina, E.; Hartmann, S. (2018): Micromanaging immunity in the murine host versus the mosquito vector: microbiota-dependent immune responses to intestinal parasites.Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2018.00308

Midha, A.; Janek, K.; Niewienda, A.; Henklein, P.; Günther, S.; Serra, D. O.; Schlosser, J.;
Hengge, R.; Hartmann, S. (2018): The Intestinal Roundworm Ascaris suum Releases Antimicrobial Factors Which Interfere With Bacterial Growth and Biofilm Formation. Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology; 8, doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2018.00271,

Affinass, N.; Zhang, H.; Löhning, M.; Hartmann, S.; Rausch, S. (2018):Manipulation of the balance between Th2 and Th2/1 hybrid cells affects parasite nematode fitness in mice.European journal of immunology, S. 7

Ebner, F.; Kuhring, M.; Radonic, A.; Midha, A.; Renard, B. Y.; Hartmann, S. (2018):Silent
Witness: Dual-Species Transcriptomics Reveals Epithelial Immunological Quiescence to Helminth Larval Encounter and Fostered Larval Development.Frontiers in immunology; 9, doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.01868

Aebischer, T., K. Matuschewski, S. Hartmann. 2018. Editorial to research topic: „Parasite Infections: From Experimental Models to Natural Systems“. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2018.00012

Maaz D., J. Krücken, J. Blümke, D. Richter, J. Demeler, F.-R. Matuschka, S. Hartmann, G.
von Samson-Himmelstjerna. 2018. Factors associated with the diversity and quantity of
ectoparasites on urban mice and voles. Accepted PLOS One am 15.06.18

Venugopal G., R.R. Noelle L. O’Regan, Schumann, A. Srikantum, R. Merle, S. Hartmann, S.
Steinfelder. 2018. Association of a PD-L2 gene polymorphism with chronic lymphatic filariasis
in a South Indian cohort. Eingereicht 2 März 2018 bei PLOS One.

Ugolini et al. …… Hartmann, S , L. Sander. 2018. Recognition of microbial viability via
TLR8 drives TFHcell differentiation and vaccine responses. Nature Immunology; 19: 386–396.
DOI:10.1038/s41590-018-0068-4 ; PMID:29556002

Ahmed, N., T. French, S. Rausch, A. A. Kühl, K. Hemminger, I. R. Dunay, S. Steinfelder, S.
Hartmann. 2017. Toxoplasma co-infection prevents Th2 differentiation and leads to a
helminth-specific Th1 response. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology,

Ebner, F., P. Schwiertz, S. Steinfelder, R. Pieper, J. Zentek, N. Schütze, C. G. Baums, G.
Alber, P. Geldhof, S. Hartmann. 2017. Pathogen-reactive T helper cell analysis in the Pig,
Frontiers in Immunology, doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2017.00565.

Kofer, J., H. Hofer, S. Hartmann. 2017. Next-Generation Parasitologists: Structured Training
Programs Meet Educational Challenges. Trends in Parasitology, 33: 423-425.

Midha, A., J. Schlosser, S. Hartmann. 2017. Reciprocal Interactions between Nematodes and
Their Microbial Environments. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, doi:

Steinfelder, S., S. Rausch, D. Michael, A. A. Kühl, S. Hartmann. 2017. Intestinal helminth
infection induces highly functional resident memory CD4+ T cells. Eur. J. Immunol., 47:353-
363; doi:10.1002/eji.201646575.

Lindner, J., S. Rausch, S. Treptow, K. Geldmeyer-Hilt, R. St-Arnaud, A. Arabian, A. Radbruch,
S. Hartmann, M. Worm, G. Heine. 2017. Endogenous calcitriol synthesis controls the humoral
IgE response in mice, Journal of Immunology, doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.1602080.

Venugopal G., M. Müller, S. Hartmann, S. Steinfelder. 2017. Differential immunomodulation in
human monocytes versus macrophages by filarial cystatin. PLOS One, doi:

Bock, C.N., S. Babu, M. Breloer, A. Rajamanickam, Y. Bhootra, M.-L. Brunn, A. A. Kühl, R.
Merle, M. Löhning, S. Hartmann, S. Rausch. 2017. Th2/1 hybrid cells occurring in murine and
human strongyloidiasis share effector functions of Th1 cells, Frontiers in Cellular and Infection
Microbiology, doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2017.00261.

Volkmann, M., J. Steiner, G. Fosgate, J. Zentek, S. Hartmann, B. Kohn. 2017. Chronic
diarrhea in dogs - retrospective study in 136 cases, Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine,

Strandmark, J., S. Steinfelder, C. Berek, A. Kühl, S. Rausch, S. Hartmann. 2016. Eosinophils
are required to suppress Th2 responses in Peyer’s patches during intestinal infection by
nematodes. Mucosal Immunology, doi:10.1038/mi.2016.93.
Strandmark J., S. Rausch, S. Hartmann. 2016. Eosinophils in homeostasis and their
contrasting roles during inflammation and helminth infections. Critical Reviews in Immunology,
DOI: 10.1615/CritRevImmunol.2016018726.
Steinfelder, S., N.L. O’Regan, S. Hartmann. 2016. Diplomatic Assistance: Can Helminth
modulated macrophages act as treatment for inflammatory disease, PLoS Pathogens,
Maaz, D., S. Rausch, D. Richter, J. Krücken, A.A. Kühl, J. Demeler, J. Blümke, F.R.
Matuschka, G. von Samson-Himmelstjerna, S. Hartmann. 2016. Susceptibility to ticks and
lyme disease spirochetes is not affected in mice coinfected with nematodes. Infection and
Immunity, 84: 1274-1286.
Schuijs MJ, Hartmann S, Selkirk ME, Roberts LB, Openshaw PJ, Schnoeller C. 2016. The
Helminth-Derived Immunomodulator AvCystatin Reduces Virus Enhanced Inflammation by
Induction of Regulatory IL-10+ T Cells. PLoS One. 11:e0161885.
Behrendt, P., P. Arnold, M. Brueck, U. Rickert, R. Lucius, S. Hartmann, C. Klotz, R. Lucius.
2016. A Helminth protease inhibitor modulates lipopolysaccharide-induced proinflammatory
phenotype of microglia in vitro. Neuroimmunomodulation, DOI:10.1159/000444756.

Ziegler, T., S. Rausch, S. Steinfelder, C. Klotz, M.R. Hepworth, A. Kühl, P-C- Burda, R. Lucius,
S. Hartmann. 2015. A novel regulatory macrophage (Mreg) induced by a helminth molecule
instructs IL-10 in CD4+ T-cells and protects against mucosal inflammation, J. Immunology,
Schlundt, C., T. El Khassawana, A. Serra, A. Dienelt, S. Wendler, H. Schell, N. van Rooijen, A.
Radbruch, R. Lucius, S. Hartmann, G.N. Duda, K. Schmidt-Bleek. 2015. Macrophages in
bone fracture healing: Their essential role in endochondral ossification. Bone, DOI:10.019.

Volkmann, M., M.R. Hepworth, F. Ebner, S. Rausch, B. Kohn, S. Hartmann. 2014.
Frequencies of CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ lymphocytes in peripheral blood of dogs with primary
immune-mediated thrombocytopenia and chronic idiopathic enteropathy: a pilot study, The
Veterinary Journal, 202:630-633.
O’Regan, N.L, S. Steinfelder, G. Venugopal, G.B. Rao, R. Lucius, A. Srikantam, S. Hartmann.
2014. Brugia malayi microfilariae induce a regulatory monocyte/macrophage phenotype that
suppresses innate and adaptive immune responses. PLoS NTD, 8:e3206.doi:10.1371.
Ebner, F., M. R. Hepworth, S. Rausch, K. Janek, A. Niewienda, A. Kühl, P. Henklein, R.
Lucius, E. Hamelmann, S. Hartmann. 2014. Therapeutic potential of larval excretory,
secretory proteins of the pig whipworm Trichuris suis in allergic disease. Allergy, 69:1489-
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  • Freie Universität Berlin, Fachbereich Veterinärmedizin, Institut für Immunologie