We offer comprehensive services to provide you with high-quality anatomical specimens for research, teaching and training. Our services include the preparation and provision of bones, skulls and plastinates.
Please contact us, if you are interested in a or further information. Our team has many years of experience and would gladly support you with their professional expertise.
For inquiries and further information, please contact:
- Contact person: Janet Weigner
- Telephone: +49 (0) 30 838 56401
- Email: janet.weigner@fu-berlin.de
You can also purchase our specimens as 3D prints. The maximum size is 42x35x19 cm, larger original objects are scaled down. Our printer offers the option of textured printing, using a material similar to hard plastic, as well as monochrome printing with a soft material in various degrees of firmness. This is possible both seperately and in combination.
For inquiries and further information, please contact:
- Contact person: Martin Werner
- Telephone: +49 (0)30 838 75786
- Email: Ma.Werner@fu-berlin.de