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Workshop on Applied Animal Health Economics

News from Jan 10, 2022

A workshop on

Applied Animal Health Economics

will be held in Berlin, Germany, from

Wednesday June 15 to Friday June 17, 2022.

Participants will learn the basic concepts of animal health economics and will develop an understanding for the economic models used to calculate costs and benefits of animal diseases and veterinary interventions at the farm and population level. There will be a combination of lectures, discussions as well as exercises. The course will be held by international experts in the field of animal health economics, Dr. Barbara Häsler & Dr. Jörn Gethmann.

The workshop will consist of four parts:

(a)    Introduction into the methodological concepts and definitions of (animal health) economics

(b)   Disease impact assessment

(c)    Application of AHE principles and models to animal diseases and veterinary interventions at the farm level

(d)   Application of AHE principles and models to animal disease outbreaks and disease control measures at the population level

The workshop is hosted by the Institute for Veterinary Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Freie Universität Berlin, and supported by the ECVPH Plattform Berlin. The course will start on Wednesday morning and finish Friday around lunch time. The overall cost of the workshop will be 100,- € including course materials, meals and a delighting evening event in the beautiful city of Berlin. Accommodation is not included. Travel grants are available from the ECVPH for residents in good standing. Residents who have not sent in their annual progress report from the previous year cannot receive any financial support from the Council to attend any resident workshop.

We are looking forward to a great time with interesting lectures and discussion. Please register online, if you would like to participate. For more information on the workshop or help to find an accommodation, please do not hesitate to contact us (roswitha.merle@fu-berlin.de).

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