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Informationen zu Findligen aus dem Land Brandenburg

Dear finders of wild animals from Brandenburg,


Unfortunately, veterinary care for wild animals from Brandenburg is only possible for birds of prey at the Clinic for Small Pets at the FU Berlin. The state of Brandenburg is not in a position to cover the costs incurred for other wild animals. I am sure you will understand that animals from other federal states cannot receive veterinary care financed by Berlin.

Please contact the Brandenburg Wildlife Rescue (0162 3177177), the Potsdam Animal Rescue (0151 70121202) or a Brandenburg care centre for the care of the wild animal you have found. Addresses can be found ater https://service.brandenburg.de/de/tierfunde-pflegestationen/382724

You are also welcome to contact the responsible Brandenburg Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Climate Protection (Henning-von-Tresckow-Str. 2-13, 14467 Potsdam; poststelle@mluk.brandenburg.de)


Thank you for your understanding.


Yours sincerely

The clinic management