Dr. med. vet. Samira Schlesinger

Fachbereich Veternaermedizin
Tierklinik für Fortpflanzung
Koenigsweg 65 Haus 34
Room Haus 34
14163 Berlin
Room Haus 34
14163 Berlin
++49 30 838 460154
Micro-learning in clinical, veterinary teaching
In today’s digital age technology in general and mobile devices in particular largely determine day-to-day life of young adults (i.e. millennials, generation Z). The role of e-learning in veterinary medicine education is consequently growing at an immense rate.
As part of my dissertation I aim to develop a platform for micro-learning materials for students of veterinary medicine. Another objective is to study the demands and preferences of students related to e-learning materials. This will enable an adaptation of learning resources to the students’ needs in order to maximise the learning outcome and enhance motivation for clinical topics of the veterinary course.