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I would like to prepare for a visit to the equine clinic

Please always make an appointment before you visit the Equine Clinic for examination/treatment with your horse. Even in the event of an emergency, we ask that you notify us by telephone or ask your family vet to refer you – also to clarify the capacity in our clinic. Our examination appointments usually start at 9:00. If it is not possible for you to be there in person at this time, you have the option of bringing your horse in the evening before and stabling it with us. This is also the less stressful option for many patients, as it allows them to acclimatize before the examination.

If you would like to deliver the evening before, please let us know when you make your appointment. Please bring your horse's equine passport and your identity card with you when you visit. If your horse remains an inpatient at our clinic, the equine passport will remain with us during this time. You will receive it back when you collect your horse from our care. Please do not leave any personal belongings in our stables, and if possible take halters and blankets back with you - we cannot accept any liability for any damage or loss that may occur. Your horse will receive all the care it needs at our stables; you do not need to bring any feed or similar with you. If your horse requires special feed, please discuss this with us. We charge an additional € 9.52 per day for feeding your own feed or feed supplements.

Of course you can visit your horse during its stay with us. Visiting hours are Mon–Fri from 17:00–19:00 and Sat–Sun from 14:00–19:00.